
Student Counselling is a psychological counselling service in English language offered by the University of Pécs for international students. This service is meant to promote students’ wellbeing, academic progress and professional development. The service is provided by experienced and trained psychologists and psychotherapists at several faculties of the University of Pécs.

Student Counselling is managed/supervised by

Oktatási Igazgatóság, UP
Külügyi Igazgatóság, UP

Professional leader: Dr Jozsef Varga

The homepage was developed by

Dr László Grama – design, HTML and CSS coding
Zsolt Bencze and Sándor Mihály – programming, content management

The content of the homepage is compiled by the staff of the Student Counselling.


The copyright owner of the contents published with references to the source is the person/organization indicated in the references. The copyright owner of the contents developed by the staff belong to the Student Counselling. When using it, please acknowledge the source by using the following reference:

© University of Pécs, Student Counselling, 2017